STC: a new VIP NFT club is born

We would like to inform our readers that this is not financial advice, and you should always do your own research.

NFT which stands for non-Fungible tokens is a financial security consisting of digital data on a blockchain , it has its own contract and 1 owner, it can be transferred from wallet to another thru the blockchain , most popular blockchains for NFT’s are Ethereum and polygon , while most NFT’s are on Ethereum blockchain buyers these days switching to polygon because the fees are very low compared to Ethereum blockchain high fees.

When “the First 5000 Days” digital artwork by Mike Winkelmann known as Beeple was sold for $69.3 million in February 2021, the NFT’s market started to explode we started to see pixeled arts like the crypto punks and then Bored Ape Yacht Club started to rise when the creators gave utility to the NFT that gives you access to the Yacht Club, an exclusive social club.

While the hype on NFT’s these days is growing, we found a hidden gem between thousands of new NFT projects, it might be the next VIP member club, they call it Space Travel Club or STC.

We did our research and went thru their website and twitter account , the project it self looks unique , its only 245 NFT’s not thousands like most NFT collections, 3D GIF design so no one can screenshot it, Sci-Fi design and the most important about this project it claim it will take the holders to the space, we did find that each trip to the space goes around 450k-1M USD but we found a new company called space perspective in FL USA cost around 130k USD.

Also, another benefits this project provides are club membership , over 100 parties every year, music festivals,  sports tickets, members only cruise , fully booked resorts and more.

Also, it will provide profile photo NFT linked to each ticket, and free metaverse planet in their metauniverse , and most loyalty money gained from NFT minting will be airdropped to tickets holder.

The team working on this project announced their names on their website and what did they work before except one member , they call him Mars and he is the funder and financial planer .

We sent e-mail to the project asking about the dev team and we got replay about each member, they did work in the biggest companies before like Google, Tesla, JP Morgan , even one of them worked for NASA before, they will lunch their NFT collection on Polygon blockchain as they advised us because it has low fees.

The roadmap for this project is easy and understandable ,we asked them about the NFT prices they advised us it will be between 0.5-40 Eth depends on each ticket grade, to be honest its fair price since the cheapest ticket to space costs around 130K USD, and their most expensive ticket they call it Palladium (40 ETH x 1054) its approximately 42K at the time this article was written .

It was weird why no one was talking about this project before, but we found out this project was in the news sites maybe over 300 different news and financial sites , also people and NFT collectors started to notice this project on twitter, now they have 20K followers since Feb 2022 the time their account was created in .

They do have good potential to be one of the successful NFT projects sine it’s giving more benefits to its holder compared  to other successful projects like PUNKS, BAYC, AZIKI and others, we will wait and see, and we will sure write another review about this project after the minting and project officially launches .

Remember always do your own research and ever fall for scam projects and falls promises.

Owen Thomas

San Francisco, CA


Salman Ahmad Siddiqui founded SpotHerld with an aim to provide the public with timely and unbiased news, presenting each story from a distinct perspective tailored by our team. As a skilled journalist, I boast a distinguished portfolio and excel in content analysis and research. Salman, a proficient and knowledgeable individual in the business industry, also contributes valuable insights to Tech section on the website. You may reach us at-

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