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BRANDMYDISPO Releases New Custom Chip Bags

BRANDMYDISPO has released a new size in their line of custom chip bags. These bags are made of the highest-quality and come in fully customizable with your designs.

Customers can choose from the select sizes: 4.5×6” and 6.5×9” or create a personalized sized based on your requirements. Depending on the look that you’re going for, there are different bag options to choose from. The bags are available with two different standard finishing materials: matte or gloss.

Chip bags are the best choice for fast paced, on-the-go lifestyles. These lightweight, durable packaging bags are perfect for storing food. They provide a safe and secure way to package and transport your product anywhere you want.

Custom chip bags are an easy way to build a new brand or company identity in an industry where companies rely on logos and branding. With so many different types of custom chip bags available, businesses can pick the right one for their needs and budget.

Chips, or crisps as they are known in the UK and Australia, are a snack food made from potatoes that are deep fried or baked and typically salted, and can be flavored with other spices. Potato chips were invented in 1853 by George Speck who was from Saratoga County, New York USA.

Chips are one of America’s favorite foods. More than 40 billion bags of chips are consumed each year in the US. The most popular chips on the market are tortilla chips and potato chips. Tortilla chips are most popular in the southwestern US, while potato chips dominate in areas like New England.

Potato chips come in a variety of flavors such as sour cream and onion, salt and vinegar, cheddar cheese flavor, and more. The packaging plays an important role in the branding of potato chips, which is why packaging may be designed to have characteristics that match the flavor. This is where BRANDMYDISPO comes in.


BRANDMYDISPO is a custom packaging and design company that specializes in creating custom jars, bags, and boxes. They offer a variety of products to suit any business from start-ups to the fortune 500s. You can choose from a selection of shapes, sizes, and colors for the containers that you want to use for your product. They provide you with the opportunity to be creative in designing your own custom packaging for your product.

This company is more than just a simple packaging making site – they also offer design services that can help you create a unique looking website. The design team has years of experience in the industry and will work with you to create something that reflects your business perfectly.

More about the Company

In 2019, BRANDMYDISPO was founded by two entrepreneurs who saw the need to help companies with their packaging strategy. They wanted to make sure that they could offer a service where they could provide high-quality packaging at affordable prices.

The main goal of BRANDMYDISPO is to create packaging that is unique and will help sell your product by making it stand out on store shelves while still being aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

Today, BRANDMYDISPO consistently creates clean, innovative packaging for businesses at an affordable price. They offer a wide range of custom product packaging, such as containers that are both creative and practical. Their team of designers can provide custom branding and even create a logo for your packaging!

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