Managing Anxiety at Your Job Interview
Do you have a big job interview coming up and are feeling especially nervous and anxious? This is normal. The body uses stress to help prepare for important events.
The effects of stress are better suited to their original purpose — hunting mammoths and escaping predators— rather than facing a job interview. Nevertheless, the effects of stress can be useful in many different pursuits, it can be managed properly. Here are some tips on managing your stress that can allow you to enjoy a more relaxed interview where you can impress your potential commercial jobs employers.
The best way to avoid stress and anxiety will be with plenty of preparation. Here are some things to include in your preparation process.
Checking all travel routes and destinations in advance.
Getting to know the organization. Who are they? What do they do? What are their benefits, systems, values, and visions?
Take some time to try out a mock interview with your friends and family or an employment specialist. Try to come up with some questions that would appear on such a job description.
Write up notes — prepare to give good examples of why you are the right person for the task at hand.
Challenge negative thoughts
If you are thinking, “This is a long shot, and I will probably never get this job, rearrange this thought process for something like, “I have a chance to prove I will be a major asset to this organization. I have worked very hard for this interview and I have a better chance than most to claim the position.”
Arrive early
Try to arrive on site 10 to 20 minutes before the interview so that you can give yourself a chance to catch your breath and prepare to deliver a confident and clear presentation when the time comes. Take a glass of water if your mouth is feeling dry. Go through the interview notes you have prepared and try listing out your skills in your head a few times while giving examples of your achievements.
Ground yourself
If you feel anxiety is about to sweep you away, try some grounding techniques that can be especially useful in dissipating stress and anxiety. To do this, simply connect with your surroundings through your senses, connect to the sounds you hear, the smells you can detect, the ground beneath your feet, and the temperature of the air.
Listen and pause
During the interview, be sure to take control and set the pace. You can pause between answering questions and ask for questions to be reworded if the current wording doesn’t suit your presentation. Never rush an answer, think of how each word can be used to set you in a better light or not.
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